Are you sad? Is someone you know sad or depressed? Would you reach out for help? Would you know the signs if someone was depressed and thinking of harming themselves? Tonight our next door neighbors brother, my sons friend was thinking of killing himself. He is only 19 years old. He moved her 6 months ago from Texas. He is a nice, kind typical lazy teenager. From the first day his brothers wife has made it clear to him that she doesn't want him in her house. She loves to make him feel unwanted. He doesn't complain to his brother or tell him the mean things she says and does to him. He doesn't want to cause problems for them. He just takes her abuse and tries to do everything to try and get her to be nice and like him.

He just turned 19 last week. He had knee surgery a few days ago. He is on crutches and has been in a lot of pain. My son was over visiting him and his sister in law actually was yelling at him saying he was lazy and useless. Unbelievable!!!! She is actually a cardiac nurse at a hospital here. I have met her very cold and seems to care about no one but herself and her dogs.

Jordan was over at our house earlier watching the World Series. We were about to eat and I said he could come back over. I can't stop thinking he was trying to send me signals he needed help. He told me he hasn't been sleeping very well. He mentioned he told his brother last night he loved him for the first time. When he got up to leave he seemed ok. It breaks my heart that I didn't catch the signals he was sending out.

He wanted to go back to Texas a few months ago. He was tired of being unwanted there. His mother said he couldn't come back to her home. It just kills me how he must have felt tonight like no one wants him around. This kid doesn't break any laws, rob or steal. He is a good kid. He just needs some positive loving influence. All he gets is negative!!
When the police knocked on our door tonight and we learned Jordan called the police and was saying he was going to kill himself. His brother was gone. They went out to dinner. He is never invited nor do they bring him anything back. Who does that? Like I said she is a cardiac nurse and he is a firefighter. I haven't seen or heard anything bad said about Jordan. If someone is constantly mentally beating you down how do you not fall into a serious depression? No one wants to be a positive influence and motivate this young man. I just know things are going to get worse for him. This will be what his sister in law needed to kick him out. She is newly pregnant and I can see her telling her husband she doesn't want him around their baby. I am going to talk to my husband. We need to show him love and positive reinforcement. I have an extra bedroom which is my office. He can stay here maybe. I was crying and very upset because I felt he was trying to tell me but I didn't catch it. He needs to know his life is worth living and has meaning!!! Sometimes people can't get this from their families but from friends.

Pray for Jordan! He went to the hospital to get some help.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday. If you feel someone is sad and depressed listen closely to what they may be trying to tell you.

Thanks for reading my blog it means a lot to me.
Christine ��
10/29/2012 07:43:58 am

Christine - I hope that Jordan finds out just how much you care about him. He is going to need a lot of love and understanding when they release him. I wish you strength to put aside any feelings of guilt you may have because no one can read someone else's mind. I can tell your heart is big and that your kindness is immense. Maybe you could also find out where he is and reach out to him to let him know there is something out there who does care?

Christine Poe
10/29/2012 07:45:38 am

Thank you !


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