Frozen shoulder....a stiffness that's not welcomed! I have had this for a few years. It's very painful. It seems the more I use that arm the more pain I get. It also makes my arm and hand go numb too. Sometimes I go to move my arm and I will get a sudden stabbing pain in the shoulder joint. Then it will make this popping noise and its like my shoulder just cracked some knuckles. Except when I have cracked my knuckles it doesn't hurt. When my shoulder pops it is painful!

When I was diagnosed my doctor wanted me to go to physical therapy. I was excited. In my mind I thought I was going to get massaged and ice packs. Oh no that is not what I got! I got this lady who was clearly into inflicting pain on people. She had me raise arm up over my head while lying down on the exam table. Let me paint this picture for you. My big ass self was forced to lay down on this tiny exam table. It wasn't a soft comfy type either. It was the small kind that have stir-ups that pop up on the side. It didn't have least not that I saw!! It was hot in the room too. I was of course sweating too. Then this obviously sadistic woman started pushing her body weight into my arm. I thought she was trying to pop my arm off! I am pretty sure it would have been less pain!! I don't know if you can relate to this. When a heavy person is laying down on an exam table but its not easy to get up gracefully. It's something that you through up one leg in order to help lift your big ass up off the table! Sometimes it's a more then one time you have to through up that leg to get enough of a push to again sit up again!! Do you know what I mean? Then she made me do these stupid exercises against the wall with a curtain rod. Can someone tell me how inflicting pain will make my frozen shoulder better?

I don't have a medical degree or anything but I think a deep tissue massage and some heat or ice would be better treatment. I actually had to pay a co-pay for this sadistic treatment! Needless to say I never went back.

I had a cortisone shot 6 months ago. It didn't hurt at all. My doctor sprayed this cold numbing spray on the injection site. It was instant pain relief. It was great. It seemed like it was never there. It was short lived about 2-3 weeks. It was fantastic to have absolutely no shoulder pain even if for a short time. Doctor said I could only get a shot every 6 months otherwise it may damage tissue. So I recommend the cortisone shots. It didn't hurt me at all. Even if it had hurt it would have been worth it to be pain free for awhile.

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5/27/2013 08:29:44 am

i too appear to have a frozen shoulder ali g with my ms. as i am now working as a hotel housekeeper it can be agony but not constantly, but strangly since it stared i have had a strange numbness in my right side that comes on as quickly as typing this!!!! i was dx 11 years ago. xxxx


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