Medicare!!!! Omg I am going to have to enroll now. Since my husband was maliciously retaliated then fired. We will no longer have health insurance. I am sure COBRA will be too expensive. What will my husband do? How will he be treated for the damage that he received to his lungs while working for In-N-Out Burger? It wasn't enough what they did to him now they take away his health coverage. Maybe they are hoping he will die before we go to court? Who knows what there thinking cause they are the furthest thing from a "Christian company" like they claim to be. Not only do I hold them responsible but his direct boss Ryan Swab I hold him responsible too. He was so nice before all this happened. He used to act concerned about my MS. Boy how quickly he changed!

I know nothing about Medicare. I know social security will take like $100.00 out and I think I have to pay another insurance company too? What health insurance companies do you guys have? What are the good and bad things with the plan you have? I know I will not be able to get my Copaxone anymore. It's so expensive one months worth and I would be in my doughnut hole already! I am going to call the manufacturer tomorrow to see about getting it free. As of right now the only money we have coming in is my Social security. It will not even cover our rent! I pray that they do not try to stop his unemployment!!! I swear if they do we are gonna end up in our car! That's when you will see me and anyone I can get to go with me picketing in front of their restaurant! Demanding that they practice what they preach and except responsibility for their actions! Who's with me??

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Have a blessed day and remember to keep laughing!

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10/28/2013 07:48:54 pm

This you could be of great benefit. You have a good health insurance plan


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