Be polite to others even when others are not kind to us. I noticed today while out Christmas shopping that some people are simply rude! The holiday season seems to bring out the worst in some. I was "cut off" in isles, bumped by their shopping carts and it wasn't just shoppers but employees too! I swear I have said this many times. Where ever I have worked customer service was always number 1! I guess I didn't work in retail but customer service is very important! I would shop at a store with great customer service even if they cost a little bit more. I think most Walmart's actually discourage customer service....oh and cleanliness!!! Lol

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I hope you all have a wonder Thursday!! I am 44 today!!

misty werth-kirk
12/19/2012 04:17:40 pm

definetly never use a Wal-Mart bathroom, they ALWAYS disquest me....I would rather use a diaper than alot of public bathrooms!!!


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