I want to sleep like she is!!
know you too have sleep problems. It sucks all by itself but add in leaky bladder and you have a disaster waiting to happen! 
I read that there are about 80 different types of sleep disorders and over 70 million Americans who suffer from from them. 
Thats amazing to me. I would be interested in seeing the list of the 80 different sleep disorders. I mean really! How different can they be? So it makes me wonder which sleep disorder I have and how many of them of them I have had or have? How can a doctor tell which disorder you have and that every night you suffer from the same one? Maybe it's like multiply personalities??? I think I have multiple sleepalities!! Lol

I found an article that states many  people with multiple sclerosis complain of insomnia or broken sleep patterns, yet sleep problems may not directly be the result of the disease itself. Many sleep problems occur because of secondary factors such as stress, spasticity, inactivity, or depression or an increased need to go to the bathroom at night because of bladder problems  people with MS often have. Other symptoms of sleep problems may be caused by the location of MS lesions within the brain.

So if there are 80 possible sleep disorders and people with MS can have secondary factors. Then to me there have to be more then the 80 disorders.  I have no idea which sleep disorder I have. I have only been told I have insomnia. Maybe that is just the "catch all" of sleep disorders. I have stress, who doesn't!  I have depression, so do millions of people. I have a weak leaky bladder. So I am up all through the night. One night I hot up to go to the restroom. Next thing I know my husband is waking me up. I had fallen asleep on the toilet! Imagine that PJ's around my ankles, sitting up snoring! My husband laughing telling me "honey go back to bed"! Lastly you can bet your last dollar that I am inactive. I am inactive because I am fatigued, in pain and I can't go outside because it's too hot outside just to name a few. So I guess I do not see and end in site any time soon! 

Hopefully my toilet sleep days are over....but I just never know! Lol

Have a wonderful day!! Thanks for reading my blog. It makes me feel happy when I am helping others to laugh and forget their pain and troubles. 

Thank you

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