Pain medicines...who prescribes them for you? Is it your Neurologist or your primary Care Doctor? All my pains are caused by my MS. I don't understand why the Neurologist's that I have had in California don't want to prescribe pain meds. They have always told me to get it from my Primary Care Doctor. Why is this?? I do not understand this! Are any of you have this issue? It makes no sense to me. If the pain is from a disease and your seeing a doctor that specializes in that disease. Why would be not seem comfortable or not want to write a prescription for pain meds?

My new Neurologist is prescribing me Topamax for my migraines. He informed me that a side effect is loss of appetite. Really I don't consider that a bad thing. I went online and read all the side effects. The main ones are loss of appetite, decreased sweating!! Wow so there is a pill that can take away my migraines, make me not eat and lose weight and help me stop sweating like a pig!! Oh sign me up!! I just hope my insurance pays for it. He is also giving me neurontin for my burning feet and Butabital to take with pain meds when I get miagraine.

So hopefully in a month I have no miagraines, I weigh less and I do not sweat anymore!!! Omg that would be fantastic!!!!!

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Thank you,
michelle foster
12/27/2012 12:12:06 am

ok girley I am going ober this again pain meds are not the answer. In fact they stop working after a while your body will no longer respond. Your pain is a result of the disease abd something you have eaten and your body doesn't LIKE IT. Stop eating so.much animal fat, surgars, pteservatives. Take 4 sage pills a day, curramin is natural pain relief. Sage srops spasms. Blessed thistle stops night sweats. Bee pollen helps with pre menopause. After age 40 Ms. Pateients start having pre menopause. Lastly take PARACTIN the PAIN STOPS !!!!!!!!! Have not had major pain,. No hrad aces, back tolerable, knees tolerable, I feel on a scale from 1-10 I am at a 7 and almost pain free no drugs, herbs, better diet.

misty werth-kirk
12/28/2012 07:07:24 am

It makes no sence to me either. My neuro wont give me ANYTHING even during an infusion that he orders. All of my neuro have been the same. Im very thankful my primary doc understands the pain and has me on a pain contract with him. Im not looking for a "high" just some relief so I can function to my best I can. I stick to my pain contract and he works with me the best he can to give me relief......

Drew Bynum
12/29/2012 07:42:11 am

I hate that you are not given pain meds by your neuro... my neurologist prescribes opana 40mg for my migraines since I have had MS (Dx'd july4, 2007) - after I got sick, when I was seeing an internal med dr, he told me - "your neurologist is your doctor - you're going to be seeing her a lot more than you see me - take all medicine issues up with her" - I would probably suggest either going to a pain clinic, or seeing a headache specialist - you might be able to be prescribed narcotics after doing so - at least I'm hoping you will - if you can't do that, and this might sound rediculous, but II would go to a methadone clinic and just lie to them and tell them you're a heroin addict. Methadone is a decent pain medicine. Gotta do whatcha gotta do - all the best... -Drew Bynum, Memphis TN


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