It's was sure crowed at the cardiologists office today. At times it was standing room only in the waiting room. We were all waiting sonogram for our name to be called that when they did. It was as if we were being called down on The Price is Right! Joe Smith Come on down!!!!

When I was in the exam room with his nurse. After we finished all the normal stuff she tells me she has to do an EKG. She gives me this pink paper half top. She tells me to put it on leave it open in the front. I opened it up before she left the room. I told her "oh thanks for the tiny paper smock!" So she leaves. I go to put this lovely paper half shirt on. I raise my arm up and first I fart! Yah!!!! I didn't realize raising my arm was a trigger that set off the fart button! Then the damn gown rips in half. Yes it "fat guy in a little coated it"! Lol I hope you know what that means. It was better that it ripped. I laid down and because it ripped it actually covered my stomach! My back was completely uncovered! Lol
I was concerned when she came back in to do the EKG that my fart had not had enough time to dissipate. I don't know if she smelled anything. It's hard to tell when it's your own! Lol

So my doctor comes in. We get to talking. I tell him I do cardio everyday! I have to run back and forth to the bathroom all day long! He laughed! I said "oh does that not count"? So I talk with him about my MS. I told him I know you may look at me and think I look healthy. That's a problem a lot of people with MS have. Really I am jacked up on the inside from the MS! He laughed. He was a really nice doctor. We did talk about transplants briefly and he said well your still young so you wouldn't wait long. I said ya but what about my MS. Will they give me a new heart with my MS? He said oh good question! I jokingly said "oh great I will have get one off the black market!" I said I've seen some scary movies about that!

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I hope you have a great Wednesday!

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