Are you sensitive to smells? I have become lately. Today I had to venture out to the Social Security office. That was quite interesting. I seemed to have developed a sensitivity to odors. I am not sure if this is a symptom of my MS or not. It was pretty crowded. We had number 180 and they were on 147. We ended up sitting behind a man that was omitting quite an odor. He was "odorriffic" and thats not a good thing! the smell was a cross between mold and musty dirty clothes. It was terrible! Then to make things worse he started to fan himself! I was about to scream! His number was finally called! An older lady sat down. I was never so grateful that she was a smoker. She was like an ashtray. Unbelievably she was a breath of fresh air! She only sat for a few minutes. Then these two young ladies with two small kids. To my horror one of the little girls diapers had overflowed. Her pants were half urine soaked. At least I hope it was urine. I couldn't believe the mother was just letting her walk around and sit in chairs. It suddenly crossed my mind that the chair I was sitting in could have had a kid in it with a dirty diaper! I swear I was going to throw up at the possibility.

Do any of you feel you are becoming sensitive to odors? I am also very sensitive to noises. Let me know if any of you are having this issue too.

What are some of the things you feel are missing from an MS site? What sort of ideas do you feel would help others that you feel is missing. I want to start a non-profit MS website. Please let me know what your thoughts and ideas are.

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For reading my blog. It means the world to me to tell my struggles with MS and life and help others. Have a wonderful day.
11/18/2012 06:06:59 am

As usual, cracking up- I took claims at Social Security from people like those you mentioned. Think that's bad, you should go into the public gov bathrooms by the Soc Sec Admin. hahahaha One time, someone was literally bathing from the sink- another time, people were putting toilet seat covers around their necks as if they were free necklaces- go figure- I could go on and on


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