I have dated my share of strange men. I have had a guy tell me "he was only half attracted to me"! I didn't know what this meant. I asked him was he attracted to the top or bottom or split down the middle! He was an idiot! He was one of those fat guys in denial. He thought dating a plus sized lady was beneath him. He didn't care what she looked like as long as she was skinny. That's what I call a "butter face"! That means everything is great..."but her face"! Lol! It turns out he was obsessed with my older sister. She wouldn't give him the time of day. In case your wondering no this is not the same sister who had sex with my ex husband before he was my ex!
One guy told me he couldn't see me anymore because I used a fan in my living room. I am not sure if he really was serious or if he was trying to come up with what he thought was a better excuse for dumping someone. He didn't need to do anything I was grateful he didn't call me ever again! It's funny though. If he was serious then he really had some serious issues. I mean I admit I have dumped some guys for vain or stupid reasons....but how can you hate a box fan?
The best of the best is the guy who was upset when he found out I wore maxi pads! No I am not joking! This fool was really mad. He ranted on and on that I should have informed him of that before. Really I guess he thought upon meeting his dumb ass. Oh sure....hello I am Christine and I have a son and oh ya I wear maxi pads!! Frickin idiot! I wonder what he has against maxi pads? Thank goodness I didn't wear the ones with wings...he may have lost it!
I know everyone is made differently and unique but they had the added CRAZINESS too! It's just weird to me. I wonder what happened in their lives to have such animosity towards fans and maxi pads? Obviously they all were not the brightest crayon in the box. Stop laughing you know there are a few in your life you would like to forget! To be honest there are a few I can't remember their names. Sometimes I am out shopping and I come across a guy that looks familiar. I look at them and think to myself....oh lord did I sleep with him? Ya....I am not the only one who thinks that either!! You can admit it I don't judge!! Lol

Have a wonderful day!!

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