We all have dated people that we look back on and have no idea why we dated or say creep you out now. Ok maybe that's just me?? When I was younger sadly I may have a dated a few strange, bizarre and just plain weird. At the time I am sure that I thought they were great. I guess I was in denial and perhaps slightly lonely. Starving for attention from a man. You may think this is sad. Sure it was at the time but all those strange and weirdos made me the strong, intelligent, funny, witty woman I am today. Ok we'll plus a really dysfunctional family.....did I mention one of my sisters slept with my ex-husband....before he was my EX! Ya I am not bitter! That's a story for another day!!!
I will highlight a few of the men I dated and their stories. I will change their names to protect the crazy!!

Remember I told you in the 90's I dated a few men from personal ads. Again in my defense it was a popular thing to do. Honestly I can not even remember this guys name. We will just call him Tom. Tom claimed he was a machinist. He seemed like a very nice guy. He sent me a dozen roses before I ever meet him. Sadly that was the highlight of him. First red flag I ignored was that he was over 30 and had no car. Some of you may say that's no big deal. Sure if you live in New York City that's fine. In my town that's just sad. The second red flag was that he lived in a trailer at a pay by the week motel. Not a nice motel but a dirty step over the chalk outline kind of place. I just had a slight flashback and I think my threw up in my mouth! I drove the 15 minutes away to pick him up to go out on a date. Yah I know! He was a sort of nice looking guy. I would have to say the biggest surprise he had for me was when he talked. I am trying to be able to put this in words while I am laughing myself. When he was talking I looked in disbelief. I just knew I was seeing things. Sadly I was seeing clearly. As he spoke it was quite clear not to just me but everyone.....he apparently wore dentures and had no dentures on the bottom! That's right! He noticed I was staring at his mouth. He freely tells me that he lost the bottom of his dentures in the ocean a few years ago. So how did he chew? I guess after awhile his gums must have toughened up like smooth teeth! Do you know how hard it was not to laugh or act disgusted. I thought to myself...few years ago....really and in all that time you couldn't replace them? Wow! Obviously I was not having dinner with Mr.Trump!!
Ohh that wasn't all though. You know how some people constantly use the same word as if its their slogan? Well the word he kept saying was BOOCOO MAN!! He spoke loudly and people were looking at us. Ohh I know your all jealous of my toothless, shouting, trailer dwelling BOOCOO of a man!

I found this and thought it was hilarious!
Boocoo: is the illiterate Americanized version of the French adverb "beaucoup" meaning much or many. Wow who new the toothless knight new French!!! Lol

Ok tomorrow I will bring you another installment of "The As my World Spins.....out of control!!!

I hope you all have a great day!!
Thanks for reading my blog.
I am also on Twitter: @mywonderMSlife

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