A sweating panting pig! Lol
I know that at least for me I am always HOT! It has gotten worse each year. The past few nights I have woke up so frickin hot! My hair is drenched. We had the air conditioner on too. I got up and turned it down to 70 degrees. I was still hot for awhile! I know I am getting close to menopause. To be honest it scary the heck out of me! I am hot and sweaty all the time now....so how will I be then? I can just picture it! Just a constant flow of sweat running down my face. Oh boy how will my husband control himself??? Lol I won't have to beat him off with a stick that's for sure....it will be more like I will have to threaten with the stick!! Lol

I went to Target today. My stepson needed PE shorts. I was sweating so much in there my handkerchief was just about ready to drip some sweat too! Man how I hate that. My face gets so darn red on top of the profuse sweating. You know it's funny a dog pants when they are hot. At this point I might trade my sweating for panting! Can you imagine seeing a person panting in a store? I would think they were on something and get the heck out of there! It sure would be comical wouldn't it! Omg! I just thought you could just say you were in labor!! I am fat they just might believe it!
With all the technology we have why can't we make a pill that keeps a person cooler?

Oh this is freaky! I was at Walgreens. They have a new rewards card. I was checking out and the clerk asked if I wanted one. I said sure. The machine where you swipe your debit card is where I had to input my phone number. I entered my cell number. Now my cell is in my husbands name. I put in the number. Then the next screen popped up and it was my birthdate. How in the world does this happen. I was shocked and clicked yes. Then it pops up a name and asks if this is your name. It was my name! Then it popped up my address. Wow is this scary! How could all my personal information pop up from a cell number that is not in my name? Scary.....big brother is watching! Go to Walgreens and see it for yourself!

I hope everyone has a great day! Thank you for reading the sometimes crazy, sometimes funny and definitely dysfunctional stories of my life!


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