Dry Mouth
We have all experienced dry mouth on occasion. Sometimes it may be from medicines or from a cold that may cause you to sleep with your mouth open. I am am experiencing this right now. I woke up earlier and my tongue felt as if it had completely dried out. I touched my tongue and even the texture of it felt different. I couldn't speak at all. I wondered if I should stick my tongue into a cup of water to rehydrate it! I took a drink of water. I swished it around my mouth a few time before I swallowed. My tongue still didn't feel normal yet. I drank more water and got a cough drop. I wondered if a tongue can actually completely dry out and fall off? If that's possible I was pretty close today!!! LOL

That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Talking to someone who has a dry mouth! They don't have to be in front of me either, because on the phone can drive me crazy too!!! I was talking to my son tonight and he said you need a drink of water. I said "oh does that drive you crazy too". He said "yes"! I don't know what it is about that that drives me crazy and makes me sick to my stomach at the same time! LOL

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I hope everyone had a great weekend. I hope you have a blessed week.

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