Not my hands & feet!! Lol
Many of us have plenty of problems with our hands and feet. I do not know every issue we can get. I can speak about my own problems.
I have had to deal with the loss of the use of my left leg for a few months. That was tough and I still had a good leg. My legs and feet are pretty good. I get spontaneous attacks of burning foot syndrome. This is painful. It is a horrible feeling of your feet on hot asphalt. I found that putting my feet in cold water works pretty good. I found another solution. I was thinking one day how when a baby gets a diaper rash they put Desitin on it. I tried this one day. It is messy but it worked. I rubbed it in slightly and put a pair of socks on. It really did cool off my feet. Plus it works to soften your heels too! Bonus! It has been a long time since I used Desitin. You have to buy baby wipes to remove this from your hands after. I buy generic it's the same and cheaper.
My right hand was knumb off and on for about a year. At first it was completely numb. I realized real quick that I am not able to do some things with my left hand. I am just going to come out and say it! I could not wipe my behind with my left hand! I may have a slight "T-Rex" issue. I found that I could use my right hand if I used baby wipes. The damp cloth stayed on my hand better than toilet paper. It was hard to shower too and brush my teeth. I bought one of those back scratchers with a scrounge on the end. You can wash your behind with it! If I am not willing to tell all of you this...then who will??? You know it may come in handy one day. Lol
As for my teeth I just had to learn to brush with my left hand. I learned I had to brush more careful with my left hand. It is easy to fumble while brushing and bump your gums or teeth. I have been having issues with my hand again. It comes and goes. I have noticed at times as it gets numb my fan can hurt my arm. I have to wrap my arm in a blanket. Now there's an image!! Sweating sitting in front of a fan with my arm wrapped in a blanket! Gotta laugh at myself!
I have a question for all of you. As far as my last MRI I had no lesions on my spine. My backs skin is very sensitive. Not in a bad way but just a feel good way. Strongly my husband says the center of my back is usually hot to the touch. Just the center we call it the "wing area". A joke between he and I. Does anyone else have this? He tells me the rest of my backs skin will be normal. Just the back center is hot/warm. Let me know if any of you get this from time to time.
Well it's after midnight and my husband has been asleep on the couch for few hours. Should wake him up so we can go to bed. Saturday and Sundays he will rub my head when we go to bed. I lay my head on his thigh and he rubs my scalp for about an hour. In exchange he gets to watch his silly cartoons on Adult Swim. I will admit sometimes they are pretty funny cartoons. I won't admit cause he may want to stop rubbing my scalp. I tell him he is breaking up my brain lesions! Lol

Have a wonderful Monday everyone. Leave me feedback or topic suggestions. Let me know I am not just talking to myself!
Don't forget to laugh today.

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