I have had my cardioversion. It was a scary thing to me from the first. I prayed and asked all my fellow MS'ers to pray for me as well. I wasn't worried about it. The night before as I lay on bed I started to get scared. I started to pray and I asked Jesus to please put me at peace with all my fears. I didn't sleep very well that night but I was never concerned or worried about dying during my procedure. I was at peace.
The next day I was never worried. I thought they were going to use paddles on me. No the stuck these two big super sticky stickers on me. One kinda in the center of my sternum and the other on my back in the same place. They said they do this because they want the current to bounce off the chest wall. Okay how many times can a person say that in their lives??? The Anasteologists called the medicine they put me out with "milk of amnesia". Right before he started putting it into my I'VE he tells me it will burn "a little bit". He started to give it to me and it burned a lot! I said to him "you lied it burns........then I was out. The next thing I know I am waking up a few minutes later and it was over. My doctor said it worked and they only had to do it one time. I meant to ask my nurse if I moved off the bed. I was glad I also did not loose control of my bladder. I was concerned about that. I have seen people on cops getting tazzed peed their pants. With my leaky bladder I was thankful I did not start leaking like a busted pipe!
I go to a Hemotoligst Tuesday. Maybe he will be able to come up with a plan to keep my anemia under control. I do not see how as long as I am still having my periods! Come on Mother Nature ......I have had my monthly gift dice I was frickin 9!!! Enough is enough I am going to be 45!!! Can't I return the gift for a store credit without the receipt??? Lol

I hope you have a great day!
5/5/2013 10:22:05 pm

Good for you, lady. Your tenacity gives me hope!

5/5/2013 11:49:16 pm

I'm so sorry, I too get scared. I have these episodes where I am helpless. I'm scared I might loose my hubby. I'm scared I having panel attacks. Never had b4. I can't breath, I can't sleep, I can't consentrate , I feel as though my whole thought process is going crazy. I know I'm fine and my hubby is fine but its just so hard to ever think I will be alone. I hear you. I have been up all night worrieing about? My sister in law comes from Canada today I should b happy but I'm not. I have bad trimmers. I think my ms has upgraded to the next level. I'm tired! CiaoD

Kit Minden
5/6/2013 02:59:55 am

MS makes panic attacks happen so don't feel bad - its normal. Worrying is part of it, too. Can't wait for the results!


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