Muscle you get them in your neck and base of your skull? It makes it feel like I can't support my head. If I am doing anything even just walking it spasms and hurts so much. I have to go sit down and prop my head against the couch. It will make it feel better. This happens every now and then. Does anyone else get this?
It makes me feel like I am destined to be in the stuck laying in bed. That can't happen!!! I am fat I will start to grow into the mattress! Lol

I hope everyone had a great weekend! In between having to rest my neck I put my Christmas tree up. It only took me 7 hours! It's quite a pain in the butt to have to stop every few minutes to go rest your neck. It turned out beautiful!

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michelle foster
11/18/2012 09:00:28 pm

try sage herb pills, natrual anti spasmonic. I use arineca gel to ryb on sore spasing muscles. It works.

Amanda Hausser
11/21/2012 12:20:40 pm

I'm newly diagnosed, but this was one of the symptoms that led to me finding out I had MS. If you find out how to make it stop, please share. -Amanda


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