Migraines!!! Do you ever have them so bad you think if you move your head it will explode? Man today was one of those migraines. Your head hurts, your temples hurt, the light hurts your eyes, any smell can make you throw up and your grouchy and snappy to everyone.

It starts out as a duke annoying headache like a mild earthquake. Then it works its way up and turns into a major quake that is devastating. I take pain medicine. I lay my bedroom where it's dark, cool and quite. A cold wash cloth over my eyes helps. After the pain finally goes away. It makes me feel exhausted and drained of all energy and strangely emotions too. Sometimes the after effects are just as bad. I would say it makes me feel as if part of me died. I know that may sound crazy but its a strange feeling. Do you ever feel that way after a serious migraine breaks? I wonder if that feeling may be when a lesion has created what they call a "black hole" in my brain? That could be why it makes me feel different inside. Who knows I am no doctor I just play one on TV! Lol

So today we got the court documents back and signed. I dropped Evans mothers copy in the mail. She should get Saturday. When she gets them she will not be happy. My husband it asking that she never be aloud to take Evan overnight or around her fiancé. That's what my husband has to do in order to keep her fiancé from assaulting his son again. Plus she will be mad about having to pay child support. She will somehow deflect and make it all as if she is a victim. I am just happy that he seems to be adjusting well. He seems happy. He gets to just be a kid and not be mentally and physically abused.

I must say we tried several times over the past 8 years to get full custody. I am both happy and sad that he is safe now but that it took too many years. Sadly he has realized that his mother will always pick her fiancé over him. The other day he told me that in July on his birthday Lance (mothers fiancé) gave him a box of cereal and gum for his birthday. He asked why he got him food. Lance told him "I told you I was going to get you the same shitty gifts like you get me"! This man is 51 years old. He has two grown daughters and two ex wives. I don't know what happened in his life to make him so abusive both mentally and physically to a child. As bad as he is his mother is worse for allowing and justifying his brutality. I am so grateful he is safe and in our home.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day.

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