This is something I personally struggle with. I am I guess my own worst enemy at times. I have a problem coming to the realization that I have limitations. I like to think I can do everything I used to do. I can not. There is a part of me that feels if I can't do everything I feel I need to, that I have failed. This is ridiculous and I know it. I just have to learn that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help. No one makes me feel this way except for myself.
Yesterday (and it was 100 degrees outside) I decided I was going to go grocery shopping. Sounds easy right? I am one of those people who will shop at different stores. Depending on what's on sale that week. This was easy 6 years ago before I was diagnosed with MS. I used to do it all! I worked 40+ hours a week. I did all the cooking, cleaning, laundry and shopping. Those days are gone and I need to stop thinking I can still do all this alone. 
Ok back to my story. I had a brilliant idea to head out in the sweltering heat and go grocery shopping. Sounds easy if I could just go to one store....but I can't!! I need to stretch my food budget just like everyone else. So my dumb ass  self goes to 3 different stores. I already was tired due to lack of sleep. By the time I came home I was walking like a combo of Frankenstein and Quasimodo! I could hardly stand upright! I rested and cooled down. Then I made dinner. After my husband left for work at midnight. I did dishes then crawled into the shower. My body felt like it had been hit by a car. I was in so much pain I was uncomfortable in my bed. You would have thought I would have fallen asleep quickly. NO! When we and I mean me too mistreat our body's we will pay for it! I thought I was gonna die. As I laid there in pain barley able to roll over. I quickly came to the rationalization that "I CAN NOT DO EVERYTHING!! I have decided I will only head out to 1 store a day. I will utilize my husband and son more often. I have to learn that I can ask for help and it does not make me seem weak. I can go to bed without my house spotless and looking like its ready for a photo shoot! You would be proud of me. I didn't even straighten the pillows on my couch last night! Lol baby steps! 
Today I am still paying for my bad choices yesterday. I was so sick and fatigued today. I stayed in bed until 4:30 this afternoon. Plus I am so tired that I am ready for bed now and it's 11:00 pm. As soon as I get my husband off to work in an hour. I am jumping in bed! 
Please we all need to learn our limitations. Asking for help is a good thing. It does not mean we are handicapped it means we are smart and handi-capable!!   Have a good day and remember to.....LAUGH!! 

Yesterday's answer is: rolled up INCREASES mileage. 

Today's question: What is the most nutritious fruit?
8/16/2012 05:32:50 pm

This is wonderful reading, well written by a brave lady. Keep up the good work. Look forward to more updates.
Your gaming Bossjanie


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