My Jake on his birthday!

One thing I have found that helps me with my daily struggles is my dog. When I am down and feeling bad, he is right there by my side. His unconditional love makes me always feel better. Everywhere I go he follows. I wonder if he follows to make sure I am ok or if he just wants to make sure he doesn't miss out on a snack. I am very lonely because I have my Jakie boy!

I grew up a cat person and never owned a dog before. I was one of those people that didn't like dogs because they were slobbery and smelled. My son wanted a dog and so we found Jake and adopted him. A few months later I got sick and he never left my side. That's when I fell in love with my dog....he is my son!

Yes I am one of those crazy dog people. I see a dog on TV or a picture on Facebook and I am ohhing and ahhing! I feel guilty I can't walk my dog so I compensate with toys. He has a toy box with seriously about 60 toys in it. It's sad but if I do have to go out and he can't go I always bring him back a squeaky toy. It has gotten so bad that he expects it and waits by the door. Lol

He loves people but HATES all other dogs! If he is in the car and he sees a dog being walked or in another car. He comes unglued! He starts barking and whining horribly! It's my fault because I had never had a dog before. I socialized him around people but I forgot about other dogs. He suffers from a serious case of LDS! Little Dog Syndrome! He is short but thinks he is as big as a Great Dane! I love my baby and wouldn't trade him for anything! Pets bring so much love into our lives! Love them as if it were your own child.

Have a fantastic day! My GOD bless you and your families.

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