Water is so important for our bodies to function properly. I have to admit that I used to be a soda addict. It was bad! I drank diet soda all day long. Diet Coke with lime was my addiction choice. I would have to sadly admit that the amount of water I consumed in a day would depend on the amount of ice in my sodas! I decided to quit on day out of the blue. I still have not been able to quit completely. I still have a regular Dr. Pepper. I drink water throughout the day. I feel it refresher my body but increases the amount I have to run ( walk sort of fast) to the restroom! I know it can not just be me this happens to....I get a sudden urge and by sudden I mean it's already coming out as I head to the bathroom. Then I get in there and it's like my bladder is saying..just kidding didn't really have to go. Well except for what leaked out. I sit there waiting as if my bladder is just being shy. I have even tried flushing the toilet in hopes the water sound will help. I end up giving up and head back out to the living room. Then my bladder sends that urge again! Then I head back to the bathroom. The second time is usually successful! It is just so frustrating! Plus as I have said before the incontinence pads are not cheap. I am thankful they are. Ery absorbent. Sometime I feel like a child that just got out of a pool in there diaper! I can't imagine how people even 25 years ago had to deal with this. I am sure they had a few products but I bet they were. It that that good.
With. Y heart condition I have to take diuretics. I had stopped taking them regularly. It's hard enough without taking those pills. My doctor insists I take them every day. Oh did I mention he would like me to take it twice a day. If you have ever had to take this kind of medicine before. You know when it kicks in your chained to a toilet. You urinate and then urinate some more! Twice a day....PLEASE! I take my three pills all at once. Then I am only stuck to a toilet half the day. I mean I am not going to retain fluid a few hours after I took two pills! I don't eat salt licks! Lol
I have no good suggestions on bladder control as I have very little! I can recommend a good pad!
I have a funny story to tell you. An ex-boyfriend that I am friends on Facebook with sent me a message yesterday. He isn't on very often. He asked me was he reading it right that I had MS. I said yes. I was telling my husband about it tonight. I said boy I bet the first thought that entered in his mind when he read that was "ohh boy did I dodge that bullet"!

Don't forget to laugh!
Also you guys know you can comment on my blog right???? I know some can relate to some issues! Speak up! I want to hear what you have to say.

Yesterday's answer: Caves

Today's trivia: What color is Octopus blood?
8/23/2012 11:49:25 am

This is your cousin in Georgia, I have thourghly enjoyed reading your blog as I can relate to all you say. I was diagnosed with MS 25 years ago. This disease is so wierd in that people can have so many different smptoms. I do not have th eye problems but have been in a wheelchair for 20 years and nothing below th waist works. I have had bladder problems for about the same time. I was blessed to find a great urologist who was very aware of the problems spinal cord injuries and MS patients have. Try to find someone like that - it was a lifesaver. I wanted to know if I can get your personal e-mail because I would like to discuss some issues that I do not want so public. I feel so bad that we did not know each better growing up. Hang in there.
Denise Carlsen


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