
Here is the next installment of "As my world spins....out of control...Internet Dating!

This takes place in 2001. I was divorced and my son and I lived with my mother. She had a 1 bedroom 550 sq.ft apartment! I was getting back on my feet from my divorce. My son and I slept on the couches. It was not pleasant at all. I was grateful she allowed us to live with her. My mother is not the easiest person to live with. neither am I! I paid for half of everything. The day we moved in was the last day my mother cleaned or did any laundry. I complained just one time about that. She told me if I didn't like it I could move. It was difficult to work full time plus lots of overtime. I worked in mortgage and it was busy back then. Plus I commuted an 1 1/2 each way to work. My son and I wanted to move badly. It broke my heart when my 10 year old son came to me and begged me to to save money so we could move. He loves his grandmother just found it difficult to live with her.
I met Terry online. He lived in Omaha Nebraska. We talked online and on the phone for several months. He decided he wanted to meet me. He flew to California to meet me. He stayed a weekend. He was very nice and sweet. Terry was not a handsome man. I was not attracted to him physically but he was nice. I was trying to make myself believe that it didn't matter what was on the outside. It was just the inside that mattered. Yah....right! That's true but you must be at least attracted to them physically. I was not!
So Terry went back home. He was head over heels with me. As soon as he got home he started making plans to move to California.
Since I had supported my first husband I was slightly bitter. I on numerous occasions told him if he was going to move here he needed to do a few things. I told him he needed to save enough money to get him a place and enough money to support himself while he looked for a job. He was to drive out here so he would have his car too. I was not going to support him or let him drop me off at work and use my car. No way was I getting into another situation like before.
A few months later he gives up his job and apartment and says goodbye to all his family and leaves for California. He was going to stay in a motel at first near where I worked. A day after he left he calls me and leaves me a message on my work phone. He informs me that his car broke down and he was jumping on Greyhound and would call me later! What...really are you kidding me!!
I was SHOCKED!!! Many thoughts ran through my mind. Who just leaves there car in a state and leaves it? He should have had all his personal items with him. After all he was moving here for good remember. I didn't know what to do! I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. He calls me at work later that day from a rest stop. I asked him why didn't he just fix his car. He said they wanted too much money. Not to be a bitch or anything I asked him....so how exactly are you planning on looking for a job now? He had no idea! I think in his delusional mind I would change the rules of him coming out here once he was here. He will soon learn that He thought wrong! He tells me where and when his bus will come rolling in. I cringed I could see this would not end well!
I go to the Greyhound bus stop to pick him up. I almost didn't. I thought he doesn't have my home address and only has my home and work numbers. I could change my home number that would be easy! Ok no I am not that cold blooded!
The bus pulls in and he gets out. Ok let me describe Terry. He was 5'10ish, heavy set, brown hair with a normal cut. What got off the bus and walked towards me was a guy with hair to his shoulders, unshaven, carrying one medium sized duffle bag and his pants were dirty. I swear I am not joking when i say he looked exactly like Carl from the cartoon Jimmy Newtron! Except Carl wore clean clothes and had no gross stubble all over his face! (My husband is bald by choice...my choice) There were grease spots All over his pants. Ok I nearly ran screaming! He walked up and tried to give me a kiss. I put my hand up and said....no your dirty! I was going to work and didn't want any greasy spots on me!
I drove him to the motel to drop him off. I had to go to work. I said to him when I get off work I will stop by to see you. I said by then hopefully you will have showered and shaved. He said oh ya for sure. I drove to work hoping this was just some nightmare I was having. I was sickened! I new I was going to end up in another life sucking relationship. I kept thinking he gave up everything to come here. What was I going to do?
After work I stopped by to see him. I knocked on the door. He was sleeping. When he came to the door this is what I saw. His hair was sticking out all over the place. He had obviously showered and went to bed with wet hair. His face was still full of stubble. I am pretty sure he was wearing the same shirt. I almost threw up! The final straw was when I looked down at his feet. He was wearing two different socks. One white and one black! That was it! I could take no more. I went in so we could talk. I said Terry I need to know how much money you have saved to support yourself. Now honestly this is exactly what this fool did! After a brief moment if silence he reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out CHANGE!!! I was livid! I said what part if saving to be able to support yourself was I unclear about? I knew right then I had to nip this situation in the bud.
Not sure if he had 50 or 51 cents to his name. I just knew I was not supporting him! I told him he needed to call his family to get money to support himself. He said he couldn't do that. I was thinking to myself....yah he probably mooched off his parents for too long. They were glad he left I'm sure!
So what do you think I did?????
I bought him a bus ticket home! He was back on Greyhound a few hours later. I am sorry he was stupid to think I would support him especially after all the conversations we had about that!
Do you know when I took him to the Greyhound station and paid for his ticket he refused to sit by me. I was only waiting for the bus to be nice. So I thought....shoot your not hurting my feelings by not sitting by me. So I said have a good trip and left! Do you know that 3 days later I was at work and his fool called me. I answered the phone and he says "hi honey"! As if nothing had happened. REALLY!! He was begging for me to give him another chance. NO!!
After that I NEVER entertained the idea of online dating ever again!

Have a wonderful day!! Remember to laugh today!
Thanks for allowing me to share my life with you!

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