Biggest Loser!
I am sure many of us have a plan to lose weight this year. I have. I would love to lose 50 pounds. I love to watch the show The Biggest Loser. It am always so motivated while I watch the show. I am sitting there on my couch usually eating something cheering on my favorite contestants! I know I am not the only one who does this either! Lol

I finally go to the cardiologist on Tuesday. I can't wait because this getting out of breathe crap for no reason. I swear sometimes I think I am gonna die! It's the same doctor my brother sees. I know the first thing he will say is I need to lose weight. I will say I am trying but with my MS and all it comes with that its hard! Fatigue, migraines, aches and pains ect! It's hard! I should have had the lap band while I had private health issuance! My sister got gastric-bypass and lost 200 pounds. She weighs 120 pounds! She doesn't even look like the same person. It's weird how weight changes the way you look completely!
Wouldn't it be the ultimate motivation if we could get a picture of what we would look like after we lost weight.

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I hope everyone has a great week!
Christine Osborn
2/7/2013 01:21:29 pm

I am most definitely guilty of being motivated watching The Biggest Loser while munching on junk food lol. I've been reading your blog for the first time tonight (since I saw the link your shared in Only the Strong about the MRI) and I must say I have loved every entry thus far. :)

9/28/2015 04:36:54 am

It am always so motivated while I watch the show. I am sitting there on my couch usually eating something cheering on my favorite contestants! I know I am not the only one who does this either! Lol ..


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