Can you do Yoga or Palates? I saw a commercial for a DVD that combined Yoga, Palates and Dance all together. To me this is impossible!
First of all I can not stand on one leg. Then to boot balance my big ass on the one leg. I have seen a few people doing either yoga or palates at a gym before. They are always those cute tiny thin woman. They seem to never sweat but are really skinny! They always seem to dress so cute too! Meanwhile my big ass is sweating buckets on the treadmill going a steady 1.5! Lol

I look over at there yoga class and watch them. It's amazing what they do. I have seen them on the ground then legs going here and there. If I was on the ground and had to lift my leg up. I can guarantee you I would fart! Plus I could never lay my back on one of those medicine balls. It would frickin pop! If it didn't pop I would never be able to get off of it unless I just rolled off and fell to the floor! Then i would have to kay there for a moment. Then I would require assistance off the floor. This weeble wobble can not get off the floor! Downward dog....come one!

I gotta say I think it would be funny to watch a group of us MS'ers try to do yoga or palates! There would be plenty of Kodiak moments! Plus speaking for myself I am positive at some point I would have to pee and would spring a leak on my mat! Unless my mat was like a pee pad and was very i think i want my mat to have wings!! for extra pee coverage! lol
I wasn't flexible before I got MS....bedroom flexibility doesn't count! Lol coordination I had very little before MS and basically none now!

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I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

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