Why is it that anytime someone touches my rear view mirror I can never get it back the way it was? I swear at every light I adjust it again! I wish I had one of those cars that with each driver it automatically goes to my preferences. Maybe someday?? I also want a seat that would get cold....I would never use the heated seat thing. I live in California it gets about 25-30 degrees. I will wear a sweat shirt then with my flip flops! Ya I roll like that! Lol

Come to think about it the other night when my husband went out on a date night. My feet were killing me. I think over the years of always wearing flip flops and bare foot in the house. My feet didn't know how to wear regular shoes....well they were mules. I bought two pair of cute sketchers 6 years ago. I have wore the white one maybe 6 times and the black pair just once. I have just about every color of flip flop....that way I can be fashionable!!! Lol

Surprisingly no drama from Evans mother this past weekend. I am shocked that she has never called to speak to him or even see how he was doing. I asked Evan if he had spoken to his mom. He said nope! The whole thing is sad. I think for Evan he has just plain had it with her. I must say he has grown up a lot in the year we didn't see him. It's so nice that after 8 years my son and Evan don't fight or dislike each other. My house is peaceful. You know how kids can be to each other. My son would complain I let Evan get away with more. Evan would say the opposite. It's nice that they get along now. I told my husband see everything happens for a reason. Evan after a year of not seeing him comes to live with us a few days before my husband lost his job. I told my husband I felt this was GODS plan. You lost your job and right now Evan needs lots of time with you. If he gets his unemployment benefits we will all be ok. I am just putting all in GODS hands!

Well I will say goodnight my friends. I write my blog right before I go to be. I post it after midnight. Some of my readers are in other countries.....I guess that would make my blog global??? Or international??? LOL

have a blessed day! Don't forget to laugh!

I still haven't gotten my 11th Twitter follower..... Come one....my sons think its funny so please be my follower! Lol


Did you get your flu shot yet? I had planned to get it yesterday but I woke up with a scratchy throat and chest congestion. I know from past experience that you should never get a flu shot if you have a tiny cold. The year I got a flu shot with a slight cold I got so sick I was almost hospitalized.

It was back in 1993. I got my flu shot then a few days later my son and I got on a Greyhound bus from California to Florida. 3 1/2 days on a bus with my son who was 2 at the time. I know what your thinking....yes I must have been out of my mind! I remember my father telling me that I shouldn't travel that way. He said people look dirty and shady! I was going to Florida to visit my good friend Candace. It was cheap. It cost me only $140.00 round trip. I didn't have to pay for a seat for my son. He could sit in any empty seat or on my lap. I learned in the first 6 hours that it was a mistake. Traveling over the Grapevine in California the bus turns off the air condition ER to prevent over heating. Ok their are no windows! The bus was packed my son was asleep in my arms. It was so hot and sticky I thought I would die! My make was all sweated off!

Ok let me just say I never used the port-a-potty in the bus. Apparently others have I problem going #2 and stinking up the bus. It seemed the further back in the bus people's at the stranger they were. I stayed right up front behind the driver. I spilled a drink on my clothes too. I looked tore up from the floor up! I was exactly the kind or dirty person my father talked about! Lol

I got to Florida and big surprise they list my luggage! I had not showered in over 3 days and I was sick. My grandmother who I was going to stay with had o clothes for me to wear. She was a tiny skinny lady. It was a day before I got my luggage. My flu got so bad I had to come home early. I was not looking forward to traveling 3 1/2 days home and deathly sick. I remember this scary looking man wearing a long black leather coat got on the bus. It wasn't cold enough for that coat. I remember thinking I thought he had a shot gun inside his coat. Of course he ended up sitting right behind me. I was coughing up a storm. Every time I coughed he made a noise of disapproval. I was scared thinking he was going to kill me if I didn't stop coughing. It was a long ride before he got off the bus. I was so relieved! Do you realize that stress like that makes you cough more!

We made it home and I obviously lived! It was about 17 years before I would get another flu shot. I now get them yearly but I request a preservative free flu shot. I hope I will lose this scratchy throat and coughing before my private insurance ends on November 1st. Medicare here I come! Oh yeah!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I hope you all remembered to laugh!

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Tonight my husband and I went out on a date night. We don't venture out often. We are more of a take out and TV kind of people. So I did my hair and make-up I know shocking! We went out to dinner first. As soon as we got there of course I had to go straight to the bathroom. Damn leaky weak bladder! We went out with my brother and his wonderful wife. After we ate dinner I was unaware that we were now going to walk the two blocks to The Gallo Center. Ok let me explain something. I was fine in the restaurant. I mean I wasn't sweating! Which is quite amazing to me. I was wearing shoes with a maybe half inch heel. For someone with MS that's a disaster waiting to happen. On top of that you expect my fat butt to walk 2 blocks in these shoes after eating dinner! It was quite a site. My poor husband and his bad lungs and me in my shoes walking. We were both trying not to look so winded! We didn't want to look like we were that out of shape. Sadly we are!!

We arrive after our brisk walk. Now I am frickin hot! I was winded and sweating! There I was at The Gallo Center. Surrounded by all these people who were dressed as if they were going to a celebrity cocktail party. I must have stood out like a sore thumb. It may have been that I was fanning myself as I was dabbing sweat off my face. I know....SEXY! Lol

So we go and take our seats as the comedy show is about to start. My husband was mad because I made him sit by the stranger. She was a big girl too. My husband said she was putting off heat! Maybe it was coming from me? The show starts and I am finally able to stop fanning myself. The show was funny. It was nice to be out and laughing. I must say one major problem was my husband kept silently burping! I don't know how much garlic was on his food at dinner but I know it was dreadfully horrific for me to keep getting wafts! Every time I smelled it I just wanted to jump up and tell "stop frickin burping"! It was hard to enjoy the show because I didn't know when the next bullet would be shot! To make matters worse. I tell my husband your burps were killing me in there. He then tells me that he didn't want the people behind or to the side to smell it so when he burped he blew it towards me! I smacked his arm! I said you could have killed me and I have no life insurance! Lol I think he was doing it on purpose because I made him sit by the stranger. Well I clearly got the raw end of the stick! I told him he better sleep with his head towards the wall tonight! Lol

I hope you have a great day! Remember to laugh. I hope I made you laugh a little.

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I am on Twitter to! I have 10 followers and I am excited every time I get another follower. Make my day and be my 11th!


Leaks like my bladder!!!

Incontinence!!! I have had it! I am 43 years old....how bad is my bladder going to get in 20 years??? I guess I will be a urine smelling, sweat mess! At this point a catheter and a urine bag sounds better.

My husband and I had some errands to run. Anytime I step of of my house I pray I won't urinate or poop on myself while in a store or in my car....AGAIN! Well I guess that was too much to ask! Half way into our errands my bladder started having spasms. Sometime I can cross my legs and like "pinch it off ". I am sitting in the car crossing my legs and fidgeting around while breathing as if I am giving birth. HEHEHE!
My husband comes out of the bank. I was driving. We had one stop to make. The grocery store. I tell my husband I have to go home first. Even though I was trying my best to hold it all in. My bladder had its own agenda. It was leaking and leaking! Thank heavens that incontinence pads are absorbent! My bladder has testing the limits of my pad. I felt as if I had gotten taller sitting down due to the swelling of my pad.

We pull into the garage and it seems as if my bladder had stopped cramping and leaking. My husband decides to wait in the car. I slide out of the seat and stand up. With a huge gush my bladder seemed to have exploded! Urine gushed all over the garage floor. My husband just looked at me and said "wow"! I waddled into the house with a super soaked pad between my legs! That thing must have weighed 3 pounds! I was thinking they should make something like a diaphragm. A frisby looking thing we could attach to catch urine. Then we wouldn't have to buy expensive incontinence products. We could just dump it when it was full. Sounds like a good idea right??? Lol

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! I am going on a date night with my husband and my brother and sister in law to a comedy show. We are going to see Anjelah Johnson. Dinner and a comedy show. I guess I better stop drinking fluids right now! Lol

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I am also on Twitter!!!! I am looking for my 11th follower! Lol


Migraines!!! Do you ever have them so bad you think if you move your head it will explode? Man today was one of those migraines. Your head hurts, your temples hurt, the light hurts your eyes, any smell can make you throw up and your grouchy and snappy to everyone.

It starts out as a duke annoying headache like a mild earthquake. Then it works its way up and turns into a major quake that is devastating. I take pain medicine. I lay my bedroom where it's dark, cool and quite. A cold wash cloth over my eyes helps. After the pain finally goes away. It makes me feel exhausted and drained of all energy and strangely emotions too. Sometimes the after effects are just as bad. I would say it makes me feel as if part of me died. I know that may sound crazy but its a strange feeling. Do you ever feel that way after a serious migraine breaks? I wonder if that feeling may be when a lesion has created what they call a "black hole" in my brain? That could be why it makes me feel different inside. Who knows I am no doctor I just play one on TV! Lol

So today we got the court documents back and signed. I dropped Evans mothers copy in the mail. She should get Saturday. When she gets them she will not be happy. My husband it asking that she never be aloud to take Evan overnight or around her fiancé. That's what my husband has to do in order to keep her fiancé from assaulting his son again. Plus she will be mad about having to pay child support. She will somehow deflect and make it all as if she is a victim. I am just happy that he seems to be adjusting well. He seems happy. He gets to just be a kid and not be mentally and physically abused.

I must say we tried several times over the past 8 years to get full custody. I am both happy and sad that he is safe now but that it took too many years. Sadly he has realized that his mother will always pick her fiancé over him. The other day he told me that in July on his birthday Lance (mothers fiancé) gave him a box of cereal and gum for his birthday. He asked why he got him food. Lance told him "I told you I was going to get you the same shitty gifts like you get me"! This man is 51 years old. He has two grown daughters and two ex wives. I don't know what happened in his life to make him so abusive both mentally and physically to a child. As bad as he is his mother is worse for allowing and justifying his brutality. I am so grateful he is safe and in our home.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day.

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Do you have a Panis? I learned that I have one! A Panis is the Medical term for fat that hangs over the waist line "like a separate entity"!
A separate entity wow! That's harsh! I mean "a muffin top" sounds slightly better! It sounds cute and squishy! My husband and I thought a man with one should call it a Panis but for a woman we thought it should be called a Vanis!

I just don't see my "Vanis" going away anytime soon. So I thought I would maybe decorate it?? I know I could Bedazzle it! Give my "Vanis" some bling! I mean I have heard of a culture that puts real diamonds, gold and other gems on ROACHES! So it's not that crazy right??? Just think how funny it would be if I Bedazzled my "Vanis" and kept it a surprise for my husband. Do you how quick he would bust up laughing and ask me what the heck is that! Imagine one bigger gem covering my belly button! Hey some gems could also cover some stretch marks! I wouldn't have to pretend they were tattoos of tiger strips! Lol

Omg!!! There really is a Bedazzle for your lady parts! I found out online apparently it's called .....Vajazzle! I am so shocked! They use only Swarovski Crystals! Well "oh la la"! I guess it's the thing some stars were getting done. So then everyone else jumps on board too! I imagine you have to shave your lady parts in order to have the full effect of a Vajazzle! No thanks! I think my idea of chunky cheap stick on plastic gems is better! Those tiny Swarovski Crystals won't cover stretch marks! LMAO!

Well it's been a busy day. Went to file court papers to get legal custody of Evan. We have to drive back there in the morning again. It's a pain in the butt when you live in a different city and county then where your original custody took place. Evan seems happy. He has been in his new school for two days. I just want him to meet some friends. I hate the thought of him being alone at lunchtime.

Have a great day everyone. Don't forget to laugh!

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A sweating panting pig! Lol
I know that at least for me I am always HOT! It has gotten worse each year. The past few nights I have woke up so frickin hot! My hair is drenched. We had the air conditioner on too. I got up and turned it down to 70 degrees. I was still hot for awhile! I know I am getting close to menopause. To be honest it scary the heck out of me! I am hot and sweaty all the time now....so how will I be then? I can just picture it! Just a constant flow of sweat running down my face. Oh boy how will my husband control himself??? Lol I won't have to beat him off with a stick that's for sure....it will be more like I will have to threaten with the stick!! Lol

I went to Target today. My stepson needed PE shorts. I was sweating so much in there my handkerchief was just about ready to drip some sweat too! Man how I hate that. My face gets so darn red on top of the profuse sweating. You know it's funny a dog pants when they are hot. At this point I might trade my sweating for panting! Can you imagine seeing a person panting in a store? I would think they were on something and get the heck out of there! It sure would be comical wouldn't it! Omg! I just thought you could just say you were in labor!! I am fat they just might believe it!
With all the technology we have why can't we make a pill that keeps a person cooler?

Oh this is freaky! I was at Walgreens. They have a new rewards card. I was checking out and the clerk asked if I wanted one. I said sure. The machine where you swipe your debit card is where I had to input my phone number. I entered my cell number. Now my cell is in my husbands name. I put in the number. Then the next screen popped up and it was my birthdate. How in the world does this happen. I was shocked and clicked yes. Then it pops up a name and asks if this is your name. It was my name! Then it popped up my address. Wow is this scary! How could all my personal information pop up from a cell number that is not in my name? Scary.....big brother is watching! Go to Walgreens and see it for yourself!

I hope everyone has a great day! Thank you for reading the sometimes crazy, sometimes funny and definitely dysfunctional stories of my life!


Do you ever call a company's call center and you realize your call has gone to another country? This infuriates me! It has nothing to do with the people or the country. I just strongly believe that a US company should have all of their offices in the US! Often times it is very difficult to understand what they are saying because of their accent.

I bring this up because I experienced this twice in a few days. Tonight I was online and used one of those clean up your slow PC companies. After purchasing it you have to call a number to activate. I called the number and I am pretty sure I was routed to India.

It was so hard to try and figure out what he was saying to me. I kept having to say "I can't understand what you are saying"! He was polite. After about 10 minutes on the phone he asks me "how old are you"? I said why do you need to know this. He says "you have a very nice voice"! I started to laugh then he asks if I am a housewife! I wasn't sure if this was part of a script or if he was trying to flirt. Oh I forgot.....I have a fan on my desk and of course it was going. He asks me if I was on the rooftop of a building. It took him repeating this several times before I got it. At first I couldn't understand why he was asking me this. I thought maybe he picked up on my frustration and was worried I was going to jump.....if I was on top of a building!! I said "no" I am not on top of a building why are asking me this. He says because I hear a lot of wind! It was my fan!! My husband busted out laughing and had to leave my office!!!

After being on the phone for about a half hour. My genius IT Arabian man realized I had called the wrong company or so he claimed! I only got the number to call after I paid! I ended up just hanging up on him because he kept trying to keep the call going. I then tried the number on the program I downloaded. The lady that I spoke to (who seemed to be in the US) said I also had the wrong company! I then called the phone number on my receipt. They were closed! At that point I was ready to just throw my computer against the wall!

I guess I have had an extremely hard few days. I have been so grouchy and snappy at everyone today. I think my nerves are just shot! My world has been turned upside down! I am trying to adjust to everything! I thought a rush of sugar would help. I got a blizzard from Dairy Queen. It was good but it didn't work....a massage....I think that would help!!!

Well I hope your day goes better then mine!! Lol remember to laugh! It's kept me from "jumping off a rooftop"!!! Lol

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I am also on Twitter and I am excited to say I have 9 followers now.....but I would like more. So then my son will stop laughing and teasing me! Lol

Thanks for reading my blog.

Medicare!!!! Omg I am going to have to enroll now. Since my husband was maliciously retaliated then fired. We will no longer have health insurance. I am sure COBRA will be too expensive. What will my husband do? How will he be treated for the damage that he received to his lungs while working for In-N-Out Burger? It wasn't enough what they did to him now they take away his health coverage. Maybe they are hoping he will die before we go to court? Who knows what there thinking cause they are the furthest thing from a "Christian company" like they claim to be. Not only do I hold them responsible but his direct boss Ryan Swab I hold him responsible too. He was so nice before all this happened. He used to act concerned about my MS. Boy how quickly he changed!

I know nothing about Medicare. I know social security will take like $100.00 out and I think I have to pay another insurance company too? What health insurance companies do you guys have? What are the good and bad things with the plan you have? I know I will not be able to get my Copaxone anymore. It's so expensive one months worth and I would be in my doughnut hole already! I am going to call the manufacturer tomorrow to see about getting it free. As of right now the only money we have coming in is my Social security. It will not even cover our rent! I pray that they do not try to stop his unemployment!!! I swear if they do we are gonna end up in our car! That's when you will see me and anyone I can get to go with me picketing in front of their restaurant! Demanding that they practice what they preach and except responsibility for their actions! Who's with me??

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Have a blessed day and remember to keep laughing!

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First I thought you would enjoy a good laugh!! I was watching my new favorite talk show. The Wendy Williams Show. She is so funny. She was talking about Olivia Wilde. I guess she used to be married to an Italian Prince. In Glamor Magazine she says "“you can lie to your relatives at Christmas dinner and tell them everything on the home front is just peachy. But you cannot lie to your vagina,” she is quote as saying." I just busted up laughing about this! It sure is true though! I have been in an unhappy marriage before! I am sure a few of you have been in one too! Lol

Happy to report my step son is going to stay here with us. He told us about being physically assaulted by his mothers boyfriend again! He previously had been investigated by Child Protection Services. He had given my step son a black eye. Unbelievably as his biological father my husband was not allowed by law to get a copy of the outcome of their investigation! They are considered "confidential"! I am sorry if anyone investigated for possible child abuse that the reports should be made public! Everyone should be aware of this. If a person assaults a stranger and is investigated its public record! So could someone please tell me why we keep child abusers reports confidential??? Something is wrong their!

I am proud of my step son. He stood up and told his mother he wasn't going to live in fear anymore. He told her he was afraid of her boyfriend. Her boyfriend told his mother "either that f&$%ing punkass brat leaves or I will". She made her son leave! I am just glad he is away from that environment and now safe again.

We will register him for school Monday Morning. Unfortunately he has to start a new high school in his junior year. Hopefully he will make some friends quickly.

Thankfully his mother agreed to bring all his clothes and all his stuff. Originally she said she couldn't because her boyfriend wouldn't let her. She would have to sneak it out!
REALLY!!! She needs to put her big girl pants on and leave him. Well since she just bought a house and he now lives in her house. She needs to tell him to hit the bricks!

Have a wonderful Sunday! Remember to laugh today!

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