Do your feet feel like this Sometimes?
Do your legs feel wobbly? What about what I call "sudden electrical jolts" your legs? Can't forget about how sensitive my feet are too! Lately I have been having a lot of "electrical jolts"in my legs. It so weird. I am just sitting or laying down and out of no where my leg just jumps or flings out.

A few times I have had a few "jolts" one after the other. My leg looks like its have convulsions or a grand maul seizure! Sometimes it happens in bed. I have kicked my husband when we are fast asleep. It startles us both.

Oh the joys of MS! You know I just thought if I was mad at him I could "accidentally" have a "jolt" and kick him! Lol! As I am typing this my frickin leg is jumping! Maybe subconsciously I do this already in bed! I certainly will never tell! Lol

One of the hardest things to deal with is how sensitive my feet have become. I sucks because I love to get pedicures and it makes it very difficult. It feels like a across between a tickle and a sudden poke or prick. Even trying to cut my toenails is a problem. In the past I have told the lady's doing my feet that I have MS. Most of the time they do not speak very much English. They nod there heads as if they know what I am talking about. So now I just say I am very ticklish. It's just easier!

I try to focus in hopes that I can try to control my feet from jumping. I keep repeating to myself....."don't jump....feet please not this time"! It becomes embarrassing. Then they start talking to each other in another language. I know they are talking crap about me. Otherwise she would have spoken in her broken English. Right?

I just can't not stand it when they take with each other. How are you not supposed to think its about you? One thing I get really insulted about is when the person comes over to start your feet. Then stops and puts on gloves! I am thinking she thinks my feet are gross or something! I personally could never do anyone else's feet. Not even a friends. I can do my husbands and I am not thrilled about that either, but I do it!

If I had that kind of job I would have on gloves that went to my elbows. You wouldn't here me speaking another language. You would here me constantly gagging and an occasional vomit in my mouth! This is why even though they may have talked some smack about me. I still tip them. I mean she did earn it from chiseling the crusts of my heals!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday! It's getting to be cooler here!!! Woo Hoo!
Remember to laugh today!

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Do your feet feel like this Sometimes?
Do your legs feel wobbly? What about what I call "sudden electrical jolts" your legs? Can't forget about how sensitive my feet are too! Lately I have been having a lot of "electrical jolts"in my legs. It so weird. I am just sitting or laying down and out of no where my leg just jumps or flings out.

A few times I have had a few "jolts" one after the other. My leg looks like its have convulsions or a grand maul seizure! Sometimes it happens in bed. I have kicked my husband when we are fast asleep. It startles us both.

Oh the joys of MS! You know I just thought if I was mad at him I could "accidentally" have a "jolt" and kick him! Lol! As I am typing this my frickin leg is jumping! Maybe subconsciously I do this already in bed! I certainly will never tell! Lol

One of the hardest things to deal with is how sensitive my feet have become. I sucks because I love to get pedicures and it makes it very difficult. It feels like a across between a tickle and a sudden poke or prick. Even trying to cut my toenails is a problem. In the past I have told the lady's doing my feet that I have MS. Most of the time they do not speak very much English. They nod there heads as if they know what I am talking about. So now I just say I am very ticklish. It's just easier!

I try to focus in hopes that I can try to control my feet from jumping. I keep repeating to myself....."don't jump....feet please not this time"! It becomes embarrassing. Then they start talking to each other in another language. I know they are talking crap about me. Otherwise she would have spoken in her broken English. Right?

I just can't not stand it when they take with each other. How are you not supposed to think its about you? One thing I get really insulted about is when the person comes over to start your feet. Then stops and puts on gloves! I am thinking she thinks my feet are gross or something! I personally could never do anyone else's feet. Not even a friends. I can do my husbands and I am not thrilled about that either, but I do it!

If I had that kind of job I would have on gloves that went to my elbows. You wouldn't here me speaking another language. You would here me constantly gagging and an occasional vomit in my mouth! This is why even though they may have talked some smack about me. I still tip them. I mean she did earn it from chiseling the crusts of my heals!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday! It's getting to be cooler here!!! Woo Hoo!
Remember to laugh today!

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As I have said I love reality TV shows. Tonight I was watching Project Runway. You know it's funny. Most of the time I like an outfit it's the one the judges hate. I am no fashionista by far but in my opinion I think clothes that match is a good thing. I can guarantee that if I was in a store and say a lady wearing a polka dot shirt with a floral pair of pants and bright yellow shoes I would laugh.

Exactly when did it become a fashion no-no to have clothes that match? I also like it when a persons shoes match their purse. This is another thing they do not recommend. I guess Tim Gunn would not like my navy cotton stretch Just my Size shorts and my pink t-shirt! He would probably tell me " what are you wearing.. It's hideous darling"! Lol maybe it was my hair pulled back in a ponytail that through him through a loop?? Ya right! Lol

You know even if I was skinny and could afford famous designer label clothes. I can not see me wearing anything that didn't match. I really believe that stripes and a print fabric do not go together at all. I think they look strange and sometimes comical!

I would love to see a Project Runway entire season where they had to all make plus size clothes. It is hard to find pretty, feminine type clothes. I get a lot of plus size catalogs in the mail. I think once you purchase something from a plus size catalog your suddenly on "the fat list". Every plus size company now mows your big and sends you there catalog! I get these catalogs with over the top church dresses. Complete with big hats, shoes and purses. At least they match! I just can't imagine wearing basically a prom dress to church. Who wants to wear a girdle or spanx to church? Or anywhere?

If I see one more catalog selling spandex or leggings in any size over a 6 I am gonna loose it! Big ladies should not wear spandex, leggings or skinny jeans....or shirts with stripes that go around our body! That much I know for sure...I don't need to be a fashionista to know that one!

I dress comfortable now. I am at the point in my life that I don't care if others do not like what I am wearing. I am fat, I wear comfy clothes and I am happy to be me!

Have a great day!

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I went online and there are a lot of MS chat rooms. I read a few stories that were posted. One story touched me. A lady who has a newborn and two other children has been newly diagnosed with MS. She has no medical insurance. She can not work from all her symptoms. She said she goes to a free clinic but she is just herded in and out like cattle. She has been waiting for 2 months to get Copaxone for free from the Mfg.

It upsets me that our government is so messed up. I do not think Obama care is the answer but things need to change. This is AMERICA people come here from everywhere for a better life. We send money to other countries and then cut our own programs. That makes no sense to me. Here in California anyone with a child or low income can get Med-Cal. I was on this for a few years after my heart condition and couldn't work. I was grateful to have the health coverage. It was free. You pay nothing to see a doctor and nothing for prescriptions. The problem is that people abuse the system.

My husbands ex-wife was one of those people. She was receiving free medical benefits through the state of California and she was well aware that she had coverage through my husband for their son. We gave her all the medical insurance and dental cards. For some reason she didn't want to use it. Maybe because with the health insurance provided by my husband she would have to pay co-pays for visits and prescriptions. The state provided insurance she was receiving illegally was free. Compliments of all the tax payers in California. It was not as if she couldn't afford a co-pay she just didn't want to spend her money. No she used her money to pay for braces for 3 years for herself while the tax payers paid for their sons needs.

I contacted the state to inform them that she was receiving benefits she was not entitled to. I provided proof that all the years she received benefits she had private health insurance the entire time. They immediately cut her off. She didn't have to pay anything back to the state and nothing happened to her. They told me they didn't have the resources to prosecute her.

REALLY! If states and our government do to not punish people who scam the system then people are going to continue to abuse it over and over again. If they prosecuted and jailed these people and forced them to repay. Maybe others would think twice before they try a scam of there own. I understand Medicare fraud is outrageous! It's like 30% of claims are fraudulent.

We have got to fight for our states and government to start nipping this in the bud! Give SEVERE punishments for people who are committing fraud! This is why too many people have no health insurance and why seniors have crappy Medicare coverage. It's sad my mother would fall into her "donut- hole" in October each year. I would joke with her and say..." You know if you could just get pregnant all your health care would be free"! Sad but true, at least in California.

I worry all the time about seniors and us with MS and everyone on Medicare. Most of the people on Medicare are low income. When they fall into their "donut-hole" some have no choice but to go without! People die because of this! This is AMERICA the land of opportunity! Why can't we straighten out our government and clean house!

Put me in charge of Medicare! I bet in a few days a bunch of people would be fired and the others would start doing a better job. You can damn well guarantee I would have everyone who committed fraud be prosecuted and would pay every dime back. If I can turn in my step sons mother in you can guarantee I have no problem busting anyone! You break the law you pay the price!

I didn't turn her in because I dislike her...which I DO!!! I turned her in because she was committing fraud!

Thanks for allowing me to complain!
Have s wonderful day!

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Are you tired of being tired? I know I am! Do you feel bad, guilty or think others think your being lazy? I do! I know or hope they don't think that I am just being lazy. Maybe I am just down on myself about it. Sure at times I just don't feel up to doing something. So I will put it off for another day. I hate when I do that. When I do to bed I think to myself ok I am gonna do all these things tomorrow. Then I wake up and unfortunately my enthusiasm has vanished. Then my plans to do what ever it was are put of until tomorrow. Do you sometimes do this too?

I feel like I am letting my husband down if I do not keep our house as clean as I want it to be. I know he doesn't expect our house to be spotless. It's just my own issues and thoughts. I have to be honest I didn't feel this way before I got sick. When I worked I kept the house just as I like it now. I guess because he goes off to work and I stay home I just don't ever want him to feel I am not pulling my own weight.

So yes I feel guilty and like I am being lazy when I nap or sleep for a long time. Last night I finally mopped our kitchen and dinning room. Then I dusted. It took me a few hours. I do a little cleaning then I rest. It felt good that I finally did what I wanted to do. My back and body were killing when I went to bed. I stayed in bed until 3:00pm. Of course I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 am. When I got up I was still so exhausted. I think our lack of sleep builds up and up. Then we sleep like a druggie coming off a bender! Lol

I went online to look for tips on sleeping better. They suggest watching your caffeine intake. Have quite time alone before bed and not think about finances or other problems. Don't drink alcohol. Have s bedtime routine and keep it. Keep your room cool. Have black out curtains so sun doesn't wake you up.

Those are all good suggestions. For most of us we do not get any quite time. Also how can you turn off worrying about bills? I don't have a stop or pause button I can push because I am going to bed. My room and house are kept cool. My bedroom is all blacked out. My husband works nights so it has to be dark in my room. As for caffeine I drink Dr. Pepper but it has never effected me.

I just have to realize I am not going to have normal sleep habits again. I have to not feel guilty if I take a nap or sleep late. I just dare my husband to ever say something to me about it! Lol! Because if anyone in my house is lazy it sure isn't me! I could take 2 naps a day and still not be the laziest in my house! I'm just saying! Shoot I am the only one who seems to have figured out how to replace the toilet paper. They know how to set the new roll on top of the empty one! Maybe this is something they should teach boys in school? That way when we get married they have the knowledge and know how to replace the roll! No excuses then! Lol

I hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful day. Thank you for allowing me to share my life with you.

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Here is information on a new MS drug. It is a pill for RRMS. I read most of the article. It has a lot of possible side effects. I am blessed that Copaxone works for me. It is my only option as my heart condition ruled everything else out. I personally am afraid to try new medications. I know many of you may jump at a chance this medicine will work for you.

I feel that pharmaceutical companies pray on the sick and push their new medicine. Sometimes we jump at the chance of a new medicine. I completely understand. I just want everyone to be their own advocate. Do research on all new medications you get. Don't be afraid to ask as many questions to your doctor or pharmacist. You are the one taking it so ask as many questions as you need to until you confident in your choice.

Sometimes doctors may act like your taking too much of their time. Speak up if you need more of his or her time. Sometimes they get over booked and try to rush through an appointment. Don't allow your doctor to do this to you. Speak up if you feel your being rushed or they are cutting corners. If they don't like you speaking up and asking questions. Then I would find another doctor. One that had time for you and your needs.

Here is the info on the new drug.
READ carefully before you jump in and take this medicine or any medicine.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved teriflunomide once-daily pills (Aubagio,® Genzyme, a Sanofi company) to treat relapsing forms of MS. This is the second oral disease-modifying therapy approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The therapy is expected to be available for prescription by October 1, 2012 in the U.S. The company has also applied for regulatory approval in other parts of the world.

About Teriflunomide/Aubagio: Multiple sclerosis involves immune system attacks on the brain and spinal cord. Aubagio (pronounced oh-BAH-gee-oh) is a novel oral compound that inhibits the function of specific immune cells that have been implicated in MS. It is related to leflunomide, a drug used to treat arthritis. Aubagio can inhibit a key enzyme required by white blood cells (lymphocytes), reducing the proliferation of T and B immune cells active in MS and also inhibiting the production of immune messenger chemicals by T cells. It is not thought to affect resting immune cells that are not in an activated state. Two doses (7mg and 14 mg) have been approved.

In a recently completed phase III TOWER study involving 1,169 people with relapsing-remitting MS, oral Aubagio reduced relapses compared with placebo over at least 48 weeks, according to a company press release. Of two different doses tested during the TOWER trial (7 mg and 14 mg), the higher dose also slowed progression of disability. Read more about this study.

Potential risks and screenings: In trials to date, Aubagio was generally safe and well tolerated. The most common side effects experienced by participants in clinical trials include diarrhea, abnormal liver tests, nausea, flu, and hair thinning.

The prescribing information includes a boxed warning related to the potential for liver damage in persons taking Aubagio. There is also a warning that Aubagio is not indicated for women who are pregnant or women with childbearing potential who are not using reliable contraception. The prescribing information also contains information on how to clear Aubagio from the system in case that is required.

Before people begin taking Aubagio, they should have a blood test, of have had one within six months, to detect levels of liver enzymes and levels of blood cells (Complete Blood Count). They should also have their blood pressure checked, and have a screening test for tuberculosis (tuberculin skin test). It should be verified in women of childbearing potential that they are not pregnant before taking Aubagio.

For more information about support services provided by Genzyme, people can call the company’s MS One To One line at: 1-855-676-6326, or visit the company’s Website: www.MSOnetoOne.com.

Have a blessed day everyone and thanks for reading my blog.

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Do you ever feel lonely? Does having MS caused some friends to disappear? What about family has any of them stopped coming around? I have lost a few friends and family. I have read stories of spouses leaving because their wife/husband was diagnosed with MS. I can understand why a friend could leave. They were not a friend at all if they could disappear because you got sick. It's family and especially a spouse that I have trouble with. How could someone who took vows just walk away because their spouse became ill? How selfish and disgusting! I say good bye! Anyone who's love and devotion depend on someone's health doesn't love or care about anyone but themselves! You are better off without them.

I know it must be devastating to lose the one person you thought you could always count on. I can not say I know how you feel. I just know I am sorry that your spouse turned out to be a selfish coward! I am the type of person who is loyal and trustworthy. If someone I trusted turns their back on me. I am done with them. I am not talking about something little. The little things make you stop and think. After awhile they add up. Once you hurt someone there is no going back. At least for me. Sometimes it's hard but deep down inside you know what you should do.

None of us should never feel as if we are alone. We all have to lean on each other. If anyone ever needs to talk, complain or just rant I am here. Just know you are never alone. We as an MS community need to help each other. Please if anyone needs to talk my email is [email protected] , I am on Facebook too and please send me a friend request. We can talk on there as well. http://www.facebook.com/christine.thompson
You can also send a message to me on my blog. I love to talk so don't think you will be bothering me...ok!

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Have a fantastic day!

First I want to share this. Yesterdays topic i received several comments from my readers. it made me realize that I am not alone. It is unfortunate that their are so many of us that feel overwhelmed. I wish there was something I could do to help everyone. No one should ever feel overwhelmed and at their wits end. One reader told me reading my blog was a highlight of her day. She has a chance to laugh and forget just for a moment. This touched me deeply. This is the reason I started my blog. To help people learn to laugh more.
I received this joke from one of my readers Cindy B.
If I knew having multiple sclerosis was gonna be like this... I would have stopped when I had singular sclerosis!

I am so tired of having periods! I started when I was 9 so enough!! 34 years is too many years! I am over it! I assume I am getting close to menopause because my periods are showing up every 3 weeks. A couple months ago I was having bad ones. I became anemic. Lately much better but a real pain in my butt!

As I have said before I have to wear a pee pad and a period pad. One on top of the other. It is bad enough to have the bulk of a pee pad then add a maxi pad on top. I feel like I am wearing a folded hand towel in my underwear! Almost every time I go to the bathroom I have to peal off the maxi pad because urine and a maxi pad do not mix! Even if you are wearing deodorant maxi pads it still omits a strong odor of ammonia! The ammonia is so strong that if anyone passed out around me. If smelling salts are not available I can quickly tear off my ammonia period pad and save them! Can you just picture that....? Someone passes out and I waddle over with my bulky pads and plop out my period pad and stick under their nose. They wake up to find I saved them but they have my pad stuck under their nose! That video could win on TV! Lol

I asked my husband to get me more maxi pads when he went to the store. He normally has never complained. Today he tells me that he will loose a little "manhood" if he does! So I tell him specifically what kind to buy. Apparently he was not listening! He comes back with maxi pads with wings! REALLY! We have been married for 8 + years now. In all that time I have never bought maxi pads with wings! I wanted to say take them back but I didn't! So now how am I going to wrap a frickin maxi with wings around my pee pad? The frickin wing is not long enough to reach my underwear. If I cut the wings off it may cause leaks out the side! Gee thanks honey!!! So as I lay in bed finishing my blog. I am wearing my pee pad with two frickin maxis with wings. The first one the wings are stuck to the side of the pee pad and the other one (added for length for extra protection) is stuck flat to my underwear! What a sight I am! I hope I don't fly off with my wings! Did I say thanks honey!

Have a wonderful day! Thank you all for reading my blog and laughing with me!

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Do you take care of other people? Even though you are sick? I do and today it has gotten to me. I am feeling tired of it all resting on my shoulders. Bills, cleaning, laundry and making sure everyone has what they need. At times in order to ensure everyone else has what they need I go without. I am sure some of you do the same. Tonight I just wish it was all off my shoulders for awhile. Sometimes I feel like I am a wife and his mother. I hate having to be the adult all the time! Do any of you feel that way? I just want to run away with my dog. I would love to see how they can survive without me!

I think people forget we are sick because we try to forget we are. I try to forget it so I don't dwell on it and get stressed out over it. Maybe being strong is allowing others to take advantage of me. No one helps me clean, mop, laundry or worry about how everything will be paid for. I just know from experience that my husband goes not deal well with any change. He can not go to work and then help me around the house. I know this and have dealt with doing it alone for 7 years. Normally I handle it fine. Today I think the build up of frustration has gotten to me.

So what do you do when your stressed and frustrated? Do you ever feel like you tolerate more then you should because we are sick? Are we afraid if we push it they may leave us? I know I have felt this way before. I just feel that before I got sick and was able to work I could speak up more. Am I alone in this feeling or do you feel this way too?

Let me know your thoughts on this!

Have a great day and remember to laugh!

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