Sleeping habits!
I know we all have issues with insomnia. I usually go to bed at midnight. I take my sleeping pills but I don't fall asleep until usually between 3-4am. My new neurologist and I talked about this. He said one of my problems was I am on my phone on FB or playing my games in bed. He said my brain will keep producing endorphins and keep me awake. He said I shouldn't have the TV or be on my phone in bed. I am going to have to do this in baby steps! I look forward to going to bed to have no one bother me and I have peace and quite, and play my games! I think it seems much easier to just give me a stronger sleep med! Lol

What is your sleep routine? Do you watch TV? Listen to the radio? Play on your cell phone? Do you feel it stops you from sleeping?

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I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
Adoption....personally I am sick of people adopting children from outside the US. Just as many other countries their are so many children in foster care or orphanages. In California last year there were more out of the country adoptions then adoptions from within our state or the US. I am sorry there are too many children in foster care. They do not get adopted and at the age of 18, on their birthday are out. Most end up homeless. My husband was adopted then at 13 they gave him back to the state. He became a ward of the state. If your going to adopt a child you should NEVER be aloud to be returned like a unwanted package. At the age of 18 on his birthday he was out on the streets.

We live in a country where no child should be left unwanted! Not to mention we should not tell a foster child that "hey happy birthday....but it's time to for you to go"! It's disgusting! It's so sad to hear the horror stories from my husbands childhood. He went through too much and no child should ever have to go through it!

We need to all do better! We need to take care of the people and children in our own counties or towns. No child should ever feel no one wants them or that they are worthless. Lets all make an effort to reach out and help others this year. Lets all volunteer somewhere. You would be surprised just how much you get from volunteering. It makes you happy inside and out! It's something you will always cherish!

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I hope everyone has a great warm Saturday!
Hopeful about new medicines!!I start my three new medicines tonight! Topamax, Neurontin and Amitriptyline. I was reading the side effects and it said "Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless.." What if I already have these issues???? I have teenagers!!! I will let you know how it goes.

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Thanks everyone! I hope you have a wonderful Friday!
Pain medicines...who prescribes them for you? Is it your Neurologist or your primary Care Doctor? All my pains are caused by my MS. I don't understand why the Neurologist's that I have had in California don't want to prescribe pain meds. They have always told me to get it from my Primary Care Doctor. Why is this?? I do not understand this! Are any of you have this issue? It makes no sense to me. If the pain is from a disease and your seeing a doctor that specializes in that disease. Why would be not seem comfortable or not want to write a prescription for pain meds?

My new Neurologist is prescribing me Topamax for my migraines. He informed me that a side effect is loss of appetite. Really I don't consider that a bad thing. I went online and read all the side effects. The main ones are loss of appetite, decreased sweating!! Wow so there is a pill that can take away my migraines, make me not eat and lose weight and help me stop sweating like a pig!! Oh sign me up!! I just hope my insurance pays for it. He is also giving me neurontin for my burning feet and Butabital to take with pain meds when I get miagraine.

So hopefully in a month I have no miagraines, I weigh less and I do not sweat anymore!!! Omg that would be fantastic!!!!!

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Thank you,
I hope everyone has a joyful and Merry Christmas with your family and friends. May you all have a blessed New Year. I hope everyone knows just how much all of my fellow MS'ers mean to me. I think of all of you as friends. We all will never be alone because we will always have each other. I appreciate all the advice, knowledge and laughter we have enjoyed together.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Man I hate my HAIR!! I was curling or I should say attempting to curl my hair. My hair has lost all of its boby wave. I haven't gotten it cut in about a year. I was letting it grow. I did cut my own bangs a week ago. Ya that was fabulous! The rest of my hair is too damn long. I swear between the frickin grey hair....which seems to come in like Cruella De Vil's! And too long with no layers....I sometimes just want to grab the scissors and chop my hair's ponytail off! I am afraid to just go to any salon. My hair dresser gives great body waves but her hair cuts are not so good! I need a change!! A different hair cut. I must admit I am lazy and it's easy just to pull up my hair into a pony tail! I would like to cut off about 6 inches. Have my hair to the tops of my shoulders.

I am not a very a good client. I am very picky about how my hair dresser does my hair. I feel if they screw up we should be aloud to then cut their hair! I think it should be a law! I am thinking of going to the Great Clips around the corner! So if I don't post a blog tomorrow night.......she screwed up my hair!!!! Nothing grows out slower then a bad hair cut! I know i cant be the inly one who has tried to style a new cut and its messed up and your slamming your brush down out if frustration! Wish me luck!!

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I hope you all have a great Sunday. Thank you for reading my blog it means a lot to me!
I am so tired of my "leaky bladder"! I know I am not the only one who experiences this. You get a sudden urge. When I say sudden I mean SUDDEN! So I get up to go to the bathroom. As soon as I stand up my bladder starts running like a dam just broke. So what do you do??? You end up trying to walk while you put your legs together like the letter X. Having your legs in an X makes you walk funny. This happened in front of my husband. He started to laugh and started singing "I'm too sexy for this catwalk...ya on the catwalk"! So I tried to start acting like I was on a catwalk! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! Before your mind starts wondering what happened next.....ya I pee'd my pants! The bladder dam broke and the integrity of my Poise pad was seriously compromised!! Lol

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I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. Thank you for reading my blog it means a lot to me!
Be polite to others even when others are not kind to us. I noticed today while out Christmas shopping that some people are simply rude! The holiday season seems to bring out the worst in some. I was "cut off" in isles, bumped by their shopping carts and it wasn't just shoppers but employees too! I swear I have said this many times. Where ever I have worked customer service was always number 1! I guess I didn't work in retail but customer service is very important! I would shop at a store with great customer service even if they cost a little bit more. I think most Walmart's actually discourage customer service....oh and cleanliness!!! Lol

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I hope you all have a wonder Thursday!! I am 44 today!!

Organ donation.....we don't want to think about it but we need to. I thought I was already an organ donor. I checked that on my drivers license. Then I saw a commercial for
I went and realized I was not on the national registry of organ donors. I immediately registered. I am not sure what they could use of mine but their welcome to have it all....except my brain. I am donating that to MS research. There is a form you fill out and send them. If anyone wants the number please message me.

As I said I don't know what they could use of mine. I have a bad heart, MS has screwed up my nervous system, I have bad eyes and over the past 20 years of medications for all my ailments have done some kind of damage to my kidneys and liver. But I have a lot of extra skin and skin could help burn victims and all my fat well maybe plastic surgeons can use it to fill rich women's lips! Lol

I hope that some of you are organ donors. There is a drastic shortage of desperately needed organs. We don't take it with us so why not help someone else to live longer?

I hope you all have a fabulous day! We are venturing out to go Christmas shopping in the morning! Plus I am going to buy my birthday present. The Coach Poppy perfume. I just buy it myself then I don't have to return anything! Lol

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Laughter is a great thing!! So here goes a funny story from tonight! My husband and I drove to get frozen yogurt. It was my husband and my dog Jake. He loves to go in the car and the yogurt place gives out big dog bones. Jakes was sitting on my lap right next to the door. He knows that he is going to get a treat. He sits there patiently wagging his tale. So we ordered our yogurts. My husband had the money. He handed me some money and dropped the a ten dollar bill on the floor in the car. My husband tried to bend down to get it. Keep in mind he had his seat belt on too. He tried to bend down and the seat belt locked up. His "12 pack" abs started to obstruct his breathing with the seat belt choking him too! He started making these strange gaspy type grunts and deep breathes. He tried once to grab the money and failed. He went down for another chance and sadly failed again! With his gasps getting louder we both busted out laughing! I said..."how many times will it take the chubby man to pick up the money"!!! We were laughing so hard and loud. He finally took off his seat belt and was able to grab the money. I asked him if he put gum on his finger so the money would stick to it! Maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" moments but to us it was frickin hilarious!! It was good to have a great laugh! I hope my description made you laugh too!

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I hope you all have a great Tuesday!