I was watching The Steve Harvey Show. They were talking about Internet dating. They said 1 out of 10 profiles are fake. They talked to women who were scammed by men and taken for money. See this one would never have happened to me. I trust no man! It takes a lot for me go trust a man. I am this way partially because of past experiences and being fat. It's was hard being fat and believing anything a man was saying. I thought back then if they were saying sweet or nice things to me, then he wanted something. So if a man was asking me for money I would laugh! I was dating a guy once who was a truck driver. I know what your thinking! He was clean, good looking and had all this teeth! He asked me once if he could borrow $2,000.00 to pay truck tags. I laughed because I had maybe $20.00! To this day I don't now why he thought I would have had that kind of extra money.

A few years ago I was working at a bank. I worked in the loan department. One day one of the loan officers came up to me. She said she was at the VA hospital and the guy who helped her seemed perfect for me. She stated she didn't know much about him but that they had talked and she thought he would be perfect for me. She got his email address. I sent him an email. We talked on the phone a few days later. He seemed nice. He called me again the next day. That's when he informs me he has something to tell me but he is afraid I will hang up and never speak to him again. After a few minutes he finally tells me. It turns out he was a registered sex offender! I am serious! I was speechless! He then tells me he is better and his friends allow him to babysit! I told him to never call me again then hung up! I couldn't wait to get to work and tell her he was a sex offender! She was horrified! What made me the sickest was that his friends allowed him to babysit! What kind of a parent would allow a sex offender to babysit?

I dated my share of men I dated on the Internet. I found the men I met and dated were just looking for sex or were liars! So for me it didn't work out on the Internet. I know people who have. I just say be careful and listen to your instincts! They are never wrong. I always listen to my "spidee-sense"!

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Thanks and I hope you have a great day!

Do you ever look at someone and make a snap judgement? We all have done this. People make snap judgements all the time. We know we should not do this yet some people continue to do this. It has happened to all of us too. I bring this up because sometimes people we know and love have judged us. MS is frankly a bitch of a disease. We can look healthy and "normal" (what ever that is) on the outside but can be totally messed up on the inside.

Somedays I feel "normal". Those may be the days I try to do too much too. I know you have done this too. We end up paying the price for this. It causes us to be overexerted. For me it causes my fatigue to be even worse. A few months ago I over did it one day and I got so sick. I was sick for almost a week. Each day I was feeling more pain, stiffness and exhausted then the day before. Seriously I was so ill I thought I was dying. You may think I learned my lesson and that I do not overexert myself anymore. NO.... Because just like there is a thin person inside me wanting to come out. (I hate her! ) There is also that "normal" woman that doesn't have MS inside me.

We all want our friends, family and even strangers to see us as "normal" healthy people. Most of us look that way on the outside. That's why I say MS is a bitch! It not only messed up our insides but often keeps us healthy looking on the outside. Sometimes I have to remind my husband that I am sick and can not do everything I used to.

Since none of us like to be judged we should all try not to judge others as well. I know it's hard at times. Trust me I know it may surprise and shock some of you......but I can be quite a judgmental bitch! I know your shocked! Lol! I am going to make an effort to not make snap judgements. After all you can not judge a book by its cover. Please do not confuse being judgmental with intuition. If your walking towards someone and that inner voice is telling you something. You listen to that voice! Never underestimate the power of intuition! Now your intuition can be as judgmental as it wants!!!! That "spidee-sense" is usually not wrong! Lol

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More then 13 of you that read my blog and have a Twitter account. If you only knew how excited I get when I check my Twitter and I have another follower!

I hope everyone has a great day!


Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections!

I was reading an article about Five Habits of Happiness. The author of the article states that these five habits of happiness which effects success outcomes and health. We are supposed to do the following five things each day.
1. Each day write three new things you are grateful for.
2. Take 2 minutes to write in a journal about a positive experience.
3. Set aside 15 minutes a day for fun, mindful activity such as a walk with a loved one.
4. Practice mediation for 2 minutes a day. Focus on breathing.
5. Write a 2 minute positive email praising or thanking someone in your social circle.

Ok really!!! So if I do these 5 things I will be more successful and be healthier? Come on! I am a very positive thinking person. I do not dwell on my illnesses, aches and pains or the drama that may be going on in my life. I don't think if I mediate for 2 minutes or send a positive email. I do not personally think these 5 things can change me. I think my own positive attitude is enough for me. So these 5 things may work for some people. For me I am not going to drink the cool-aid!

Some people need to hear from someone else that they need to do certain things then their life will be changed. I think they change their lives at that point because they truly believe that that what this person is saying will change them. They are really just thinking positively and that's what is changing in their lives. Either way both outcomes are the same. you are thinking positive and thats all that matters.

I have to laugh at the thought of myself mediating for a quick 2 minutes! It takes me longer then 2 minutes to gather my thoughts! Lol journal writing is great I just couldn't cut it to only 2 minutes. I try to write daily in my journal. I feel it is therapeutic for myself to write down my thoughts, complaints or concerns. I have to keep it in my safe. My husband would so read it! Seriously he would!! That's a can of worms I don't think should be opened up! LOL

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There are a lot of things that suck about MS. One of the hardest things to get used to is learning to pace myself. Even though I have had MS for 6 years. Pacing myself I still have problems doing. I get a burst of energy and will jump up and think I can clean everything that day. Then once I am done and barley able to walk I am regretting it. That night and the next day or two I am paying the price! Stiff muscles, pain everywhere, migraines and absolutely no energy. Each time I say I will never do that again...but I usually do.

Even though I have been heavy most of my life. I am not lazy. I like things neat and clean and in a certain order. A few days ago I started shampooing our carpets. I was only planning on doing half one day and the other the next. Plus I had done a little rearranging of some furniture too. The next day I was zapped of any energy. I just rested instead. I had planned on finishing the carpets yesterday. I was laying around and my husband asked me " honey where did all your get up and go go"? I said "I got up and left"!

So tonight we planned to finish cleaning. I finished shampooing the carpets and he said he would clean our bathroom. He was taking a long time. I went in to tell him I would do the tub and the counters for him. I said its hard cleaning isn't it. He tells me "well I clean a lot better then you"! I thought to myself....oh no he didn't! Then I told him I was going to help you but since your so much better at it then me you can do it yourself! Sure he cleaned it great but it took him 3 hours! It takes me about 45 minutes to clean. That's with a cool down break too! Men!!!! Boy sometimes you just want to smack them!

I hope you have a great day! Thank you for reading my blog!


Twitter: @mywonderMSlife

Self catheterization....how will I be able to do this? This is a huge fear of mine. I have a fat stomach! Just how am I going to be able to maneuver around my fat stomach with my T-Rex arms? Seriously that is a small hole to try and get a a tiny tube into it! There is no way in the world I will ever be able to do this myself. I can see how it is easier for a man with a big belly then for a woman with a big belly. Since that is a medically necessary function...being able to urinate. I wonder if Medicare will give me a tummy tuck and liposuction? If a woman doesn't have a flat stomach just how are you able to self catheterize?

You may laugh but I asked my urologist if they put a shunt type device in for a woman. I thought they had something like that. I was wrong! I just thought then a woman would just have to feel for the hole in this shunt and insert the catheter into that. It makes sense to me but I guess they do not make anything like this. So that means my big ass will never be able to self catheterize!

So when my bladder gets worse I guess my choice will be either a urine bag attached to me or my husband will have to catheterize me a couple times a day! Oh joyful!! Both choices are crappy. Since our bladders a weak I wonder if we could get a bladder transplant? How great that would be for all of us! Our immune systems would eventually mess that bladder up too. It would be great to have a controllable bladder for awhile! I wonder if they can transplant a bladder? I am gonna look into that! Yes!!! I looked on google and there is information on bladder transplants! They have even grown new bladders for people from a piece of their own bladder. That would mean no chance of rejection! I am going to have to look deeper into this!!

Update on Jordan. He has been home for a few days. I talked on the phone with him today. He is doing better. I told him if he ever wanted or needed to talk I was hear for him. I told him I didn't care what time it was either. I encouraged him to be honest with his bother about what his sister-in-law has been doing and saying to him. I told him he should be honest and tell his brother how he feels unwanted in his home. He is still on crutches. Hopefully he will be healed from his surgery soon. I want to help him find a job. That's not easy in my town as we have 18.99% unemployment! At least that's what was reported 6 months ago. It may be higher or lower. I just want to help him feel lived and to have a positive person in his life.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. Thank you again for reading my blog!



Saturday night.....party time! Ya right we took our winter comforter to laundry mat. Oh the married life!! We were sitting in the car watching people. I must say some shady looking people are at the laundry mat at 9:30 on a Saturday night! I hate using some washer that lots of people use but our comforter is too large and thick for our washer. I made sure I used HOT water too!
Good grief!!! It's a lot of work trying to change the dust ruffle then the rest of the bed. I was so out of breath trying to slide that darn thing under the mattress. We have a temper-pedic mattress. That thing is so heavy! I was sweating!!

My frozen shoulder has been killing me. When it gets bad it makes my hand go numb. I shampooed our carpet yesterday. I did the living room and the family/dining room. I hate our lite carpet. I keep our house pretty clean. Even though my husband claims I am a surface cleaner. It's easy for him to talk smack about something he never does! Ya he has been off work for 2 1/2 weeks and he has do the dishes 1 time!! Plus while he was doing it he was complaining that the fridge needs cleaning. I told him to jump right on that as I rolled my eyes! I wanted to tell him "hey before we jump on my cleaning or lack there of how about you first master making it in toilet at night"! When your husband or boyfriend actually clean something do they want praise for it? Omg.....Doug will ask me several times "if he did good"! Oh please!!! Good thing I am not that way. Lol
I would constantly be asking him that....."DID I DO GOOD" .....on the laundry, on cleaning the bathrooms, doing the dishes, cooking dinner oh and getting groceries! Lol

I hope everyone has a fantastic Sunday. Thanks for reading my story.
Ohh DONT forget Real Housewives of Atlanta starts season 5 tonight! I heard its the last season for my girl NeNe! :-(



Medicare!! Questions....questions and more questions!!! It is open enrollment time. I received a thick booklet type thing in the mail. I am fairly intelligent but reading this really confused me. I found inside my book a toll free number to get help. It's on the back cover. HICAP which stands for Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program. This is a free service.

I had my appointment today. They tell you to bring a list of your prescriptions. She goes over all the plans available in your area. They have simple spreadsheets to follow. It breaks down everything from plan cost, hospital stay costs to co-pays for your Dr. and prescriptions. They will put all your current medications into their computer. Then their system tells you which plan will benefit you the most. They tell you which of your prescriptions will be covered. Thy even tell you what month you will go into your donut hole.

It took about an hour but I was very pleased with the services. It really made this choice so easy. It was a little scary to me before. I thought I was going to get crappy coverage and end up paying a lot for it. In the end I do not pay anything extra for my plan. Other then the standard $99.90 to Medicare. All my prescriptions are either free or $5.00 except for two that were not covered by any company. One I knew would not be covered was my Copaxone. The second one surprised me. They do not cover my potassium pills. I have to take these with my water pills I take for my heart. Shockingly they cost $46.00 for a 30 day supply. It's a potassium pill for heaven sake!

I thought all of you should look at the booklet Medicare mailed you. Call the
number on the back for your area. You will be surprised how helpful this free service is. Plus you may find another plan will work better for you and save you money too! I thought it was GREAT!!! I highly recommend you all do this free helpful program.

I hope this information is helpful. Thank you for reading my blog. It means a lot to me. I hope everyone has a blessed day.


